(201) 425-8300
Helping Business Owners and Executives Bring Clarity to What Matters Most

A Comprehensive Approach
Business Effectiveness Series
This Series will provide business owners the tools to have stronger command and control over their businesses, using effective and proven leadership and business strategies which will result in more happiness and balance in the lives of the business owners while providing their companies increased profits and shareholder value.
A Unique, Innovative Blend of a Dynamic Workshop, the Synergy of a BES/Peer Group, and the Personal Focus of Individual 1 on 1 Coaching!
Business Effectiveness Series Includes:
Professional Group Coaching Session each (75 Minutes)
Professional One on One Individual Coaching (2 Hours)
Phone and email support
All Training Materials Included
Space is limited to 10 people, and this is an exclusive program; only one company per industry will be admitted.
Session topics:
Stop Being Owned by your company
What a CEO should and should not do.
Vision, Mission, Values
How many times have you said, “we all have to be on the same page!” This is the Real Deal!
People Problems
The biggest waste of time and money for every small business.
Wisdom is Knowledge in Action
We need to put into action what we have learned and assess the progress of committments.
Rallying Your Team Around A Goal
It’s the real deal on how to set a goal, how to get your team behind it and what to do to make sure the goal is met.
Finding and filling Profits Holes
Most small businesses waste more money each year than they profit! Here’s how you can double your profits...really.
Improving Outside Sales
You’ve probably have heard, “It’s on the fence”, “It’ll probably close next month” but it never does. These strategies and action plans will help you help your salespeople get results.
Business Effectiveness
Bringing Clarity to what matters most. Evaluate your action plans and their success.
Building a strong executive team
Why you can’t succeed without one; How to lead your leaders.
Every Brain in the Game
How to engage your team and build a strong corporate culture.
Put your Payroll on a diet
There’s way too much waste in payroll; this section focuses why it happens; what to do about it; and why it benefits everyone.